The Website Dilemma

New virtual assistants who are not extremely tech savvy will struggle with the decision of building a website or going without. Start-up budgets are often low and if a skill isn’t building websites, finding a designer or building a site can be daunting.

Today, having a web presence is important. Even if a potential client meets you at a networking event or hears about you through a referral, chances are they will want to visit your website before deciding to work with you. You are a business owner and need a professional business presence.

So what are easy, cost effective options for building a website? There are many, but let’s look at two:

  1. WordPress allows you to build a website with little to no HTML knowledge. There are templates you can choose – some free, some for a fee – and you can make the websites as fancy or basic as you want. The backend gives you a lot of website statistics (how many visitors per day, who has linked to your site, etc.). 
  2. Yola is a template site and unlike the ones that usually give templates a bad name, Yola is professional looking and easy to use. You can choose the look and feel that you want, and the can just cut and paste text into the website. The backend looks like Word, and you can easily add photos, maps, columns, and just about anything else you want.  The basic Yola package is free and you can purchase a domain name through them if you don’t already have one.

How did you build your website and what do you recommend to VAs who don’t have one yet?

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