The Top 5 Ways to Share Large Files

Sometimes file sharing is as easy as emailing clients back and forth. When files are too large to email or you want a place for them to “live” online, there are other plenty of options.

Below are some of the more popular file sharing programs that are free or inexpensive. They are easily used on a Mac or PC, and most have apps for handheld devices also.

  1. Google Drive allows you to store some of the more popular file types online (word, excel, powerpoint, and mac equivalents) and to share them with whoever you’d like. Since the documents live in Drive and are saved automatically, you know you are always looking at the most recent version. You can also download the documents to your computer.
  2. Dropbox is a solution where you can upload files and share the link or folder to someone else to access and download the file. The files can live in the folders as long as you’d like.
  3. Box is another similar solution that allows the user to upload files and share the link or folder to someone else to access and download the file. The files can live in the folders as long as you’d like.
  4. YouSendIt allows you to share large files by uploading a file and emailing the link. You can set the features so the link expires after one download or after a certain amount of time.
  5. Mail Big File is again similar to YouSendIt where a user can share large files by uploading a file and emailing the link. You can set the features so the link expires after one download or after a certain amount of time.

If you are working with clients in online project management programs, some have robust features that will let you upload and share documents. Each is slightly different in user options and interface, so do some research to find the best solution for you.

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